Thursday, December 22, 2005

Citrus Blast

NY - Fruity colors such as bright orange, lime green, and lemon yellow are key colors for the trend on socks, tights, and yes, even legwarmers.

Lollipops Bond Pets & People

Pet anthropomorphism is sitting up and begging, specifically for evolution of the treat. Lollipops, waffles, and sushi styled treats are reinforcing the emotional connection between pets and their humans. You'll find this kind of transferrence among the baby-boomers (aka empty nesters) who now have dogs.
-Pet Age, November 2005

The Rise of the Pet Treats

Six Hundred Million ($600 Million) spent on dog buiscuits, treats and beverages in 2003!!
-US Pet Food Market, 2004

Specifically, 88% of all dog owners bought dog treats in 2004, up from 81% in 2002.

65% of all cat owners bought cat treats in 2004, up from 56% in 2002.
-2005/2006 APPMA National Pet Owners Survey

57% of dog owners buy at least six packages of dog treats per month.
35% of cat owners buy at least six packages of cat treats per month.
-2005/2006 APPMA National Pet Owners Survey

Gen Y

At 57 million strong, Gen Y -those born between 1981 & 1995- is the largest consumer group in the history of the US.
-Challenges of the Future: The Rebirth of Small Independent Retail in America

Multi-Minding Women

Did you know that a recent survey found that 62% of women ages 25-54 have little time to consume media?

Moreover, women today aren't just multitasking; they're multi-minding, constantly thinking about the perparing for the myriad dimensions in their complex lives.